- Male
- At least 23 years old
- At least high school graduate
- With at least 1 year relevant work experience in Light and Heavy equipment
- Birth Certificate must not be late registered (the date of receipt in the office of Local Civil Registrar must not exceed one month after birth
- Holder of valid Passport with at least 3 years remaining validity
- Willing to undergo Nihongo Language Training
- Willing to work in Japan for a maximum of 3 years
- Not ex-Japan
- No tattoo
If you are interested and qualified to apply for the said Diesel Mechanic Work Abroad Japan No Placement Fee, please report personally at the office of H.M.O. International Human Resources and submit the following documents:
- Updated Resume (with 2x2 picture)
- Passport with at least 3 years validity (original and photocopy)
- Latest PSA Birth Certificate (original and photocopy)
- Local Civil Registrar Copy Form 1A or 102 (original and photocopy)
- Latest PSA Marriage Certificate (if married)
- Baptismal Certificate (original and photocopy)
- 6 pcs. latest 2x2 I.D. picture (white bacground and in formal attire)
- Photocopy of valid Driver's License (if applicable)
- Latest NBI Clearance for travel abroad (original and photocopy)
- High School/College Diploma (original and photocopy)
- Certificate of Employment
- PEOS Certificate (visit http://peos.poea.gov.ph/professionals/ read, understand, and print certificate)
- Trade Test Certificate (original and photocopy)
- One long brown envelope
For inquiries about the said diesel mechanic work abroad Japan no placement fee, please call 0921-282-6851 or 0915-592-2769 and look for Ms. Drizza.
Note: No Placement Fee. No Processing Fee. Free Trade Test. Free Language Training.
H.M.O. International Human Resources
Rm. 201-202 Aussie Tower
1418 M.H. Del Pilar Street
Telephone Nos:
(+632) 522-8714
(+632) 400-2757
Email Address: info@hmoihr.com
Website: www.hmoihr.com
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